Famous A**holes I Have Known.....chapter
2......©Tommy Mandel 1996
Sophie, Part 1
I got called to play on Sophie's first album
by Rick Cherthoff, a quiet
Svengali from Philly who brought Cyndi Lauper "instant" fame
(after years
and years of dues paying on her own and with Blue Angel,
her group.) He
had this new artist, Sophie B. Hawkins, and was wondering
if I would be
available if they needed me, to do her 1st album. I guess
I was out on the
road , but when it was done (without me), they sent me
a CD, and I
wondered what this kinda homely girl was doin posing
naked on her cover
and wearing suits and shit. As murky as the album came
out, and I knew
that it was very deliberate murk, as Cherthoff; works
and works and
WORKs his projects, it had "Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover",
which at the
time sounded like refried Laura Nyro to me, but which
I have since grown
to really dig. So that was that.
Anyway, I guess I was destined to serve Sophie
B. Hawkins; my seven
years of training as Accompanist to Ingenues at Sarah
Lawrence College
musta been another part of the same karma. So now her
2nd CD is out, new
management, and a radio hit. Her 5 man band, which has
been lopped down
to just acoustic guitar and piano, are leaving and there
are bookings. So I
came in to SIR; rehearsal studios (used to work there,
after McDonald's,
before National Lampoon Road Shows)...high on sweet coffee.
and I charmed
and was charmed. Me n Adam Falcon, this really cool freeSpirit
who plays
acoustic with Roberta Flack, etc, became her new band.
She had really
skinny feet, and a scent of Prep to her, but was much
prettier in person
than I had expected, after that 1st CD cover way back
when. And she loved
my playing. And THAT's sexy.
Adam and I had to drive up to Hartford
to see her open for Michael
Bolton, whom, remind me to tell you the story about,
so that we could dig
where the live act was coming from. Man. All I
remember is her crawling
around the stage alot like Jim Morrison, but after the
show, on the way out
of her dressing room, I found myself in one of those
crazy spaces created
by an accident of modern arena architecture, absolutely
alone with her and
invisible to the world. I felt this wave of sexual potential
flow over me,
(no doubt emanating from her cellular yoni,) and put
my arms around her to
kiss her angelic childlike beauty. As she moved towards
me, doll that she
is, I baled and kissed her on the cheek. "I havenít soul
kissed another
woman since I've been married," (11 years and counting(the
days)), I hemmed, and
that's one of the things I'll always regret in a wistful
sort of way.
When we actually did the gigs, things
were considerably less romantic.
But for now, let's leave Sophie B. in a warm glow of
what could have been.
back home
1. High School Rockin'.
chapter 3. BonJovi
of contents